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Remotely Control Bliro Using Links

Bliro Remote Control feature allows you to integrate Bliro into the workflows of Sales People. Start and end the Bliro app via link.

Martin Thoma avatar
Written by Martin Thoma
Updated over a week ago

The Bliro Remote Control feature lets you start and stop calls directly from other platforms (Salesforce, HubSpot, Slack, etc.)—without needing to switch screens. You simply embed a specially formatted Bliro link into these apps, and that link will trigger the Bliro Desktop App.

How It Works

  1. Bliro Links (App Protocol Handler)

    1. Bliro uses a custom URL protocol (bliro-desktop://) to receive remote commands.

    2. When someone clicks a link like bliro-desktop://start-call, Bliro executes the command in the Desktop App—if the app is running.


This example would run an example-function within Bliro and pass a parameter ( param1: value1 ).

Important: If the Desktop App is not running when a link is clicked, Bliro will open, but the command (e.g. start-call) won’t execute. Make sure Bliro is running before using these links

Passing Call Source Details

If you want to know where your call was triggered from (e.g., which Salesforce record), simply include parameters in the link. Bliro captures these parameters and associates them with the call:


When Bliro processes this link:

  • A call is started (start-call).

  • Bliro stores the following in the Call.Meta.source:

system: "salesforce",
record: "account", record: "account",
recordId: "4924474937444"

You’ll then see these parameters on your call record in Bliro, providing a direct link to your CRM or other system.

Available Commands

Bliro currently supports two main commands:

Start Call

  • Opens Bliro and starts a new call.

  • You can optionally include parameters to identify the source system (e.g., system=salesforce, record=account, recordId=...).

End Call

  • Ends the active call.

  • Any extra parameters will be ignored, but the call will end regardless.

Salesforce Integration

The Remote Control feature becomes even more powerful when integrated with Salesforce CRM. In this section, an example implementation will be provided to add a Bliro Meeting link to Salesforce, allowing users to:

  • Start a Bliro Meeting directly from the Salesforce UI.

  • Associate the Bliro Meeting with the specific Salesforce Object from which it was initiated.

While this approach can be applied to any Salesforce Object, the Salesforce Account Object will be used for this guide. By the end, a Bliro Link will be added to the Salesforce Account Details page, as shown below:

Step 1: Create a Custom Field in Salesforce

A Custom Field must first be created in the Salesforce Account Object. Follow these steps:

1.1 Access Salesforce Setup

1. Click the ⚙️ Settings icon in the top-right corner of the Salesforce page.

2. In the Setup page, use the search bar to enter “Object Manager”.

3. Click on Object Manager to proceed.

1.2 Create a New Custom Field

  1. In Object Manager, select the Account Object (or the relevant Salesforce Object).

  2. In the left sidebar, navigate to Fields & Relationships and click New in the top-right corner.

1.3 Configure the Custom Field

A New Custom Field setup page will be displayed. Follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Select the Data Type

    • Formula should be selected as the Data Type.

    • Click Next.

  • Step 2: Define the Field Label and Name

    • A Field Label should be entered (e.g., Start Bliro Link).

    • A Field Name should be provided (e.g., Start_Bliro_Link).

    • The Formula Return Type should be set to Text.

    • Click Next.

  • Step 3: Enter the Formula and Description

    • The Advanced Formula option should be selected, and the following formula should be entered: HYPERLINK('bliro-desktop://start-call?system=salesforce&record=[OBJECT_TYPE]&recordId=' & Id, 'Start Bliro Summarization')

    • [OBJECT_TYPE] must be replaced with the actual Object type (e.g., Account).

    • A Description and Help Text should be added for clarity.

    • Click Next.

  • Step 4: Set Field-Level Security

    • The required Salesforce profiles should be granted access.

    • Click Next.

  • Step 5: Assign the Field to Page Layouts

    • The Page Layouts where the field should be included must be selected.

    • Click Save to finalize the setup.

Step 2: Add the Custom Field to the Page Layout

Once the Custom Field has been created, it must be added to the Page Layout. The following steps should be followed:

  • 2.1 Navigate to Page Layouts

    • In Object Manager, select the Account Object (or the modified Object).

    • In the left sidebar, click Page Layouts.

    • Click on the desired Page Layout Name where the Bliro Link should be added.

  • 2.2 Add the Custom Field to the Layout

    • The Page Layout Manager will open. Ensure the Fields View is selected.

    • Locate the Start Bliro Link Custom Field.

    • Drag and drop the field into an appropriate section of the Page Layout (within a green-highlighted area).

    • Click Save (top-left corner) to apply the changes.

Step 3: Test the Integration in Salesforce

  • Return to Salesforce Lightning Experience.

  • Open any instance of the modified Salesforce Object (e.g., an Account named “Bliro”).

  • Locate the newly created Custom Field.

    • When hovered over, the Bliro Link will display, including the Object’s ID for tracking.

  • Click the link to launch the Bliro Desktop App and start a new meeting.

The integration of Bliro Meetings with Salesforce has now been successfully completed. Users can initiate a Bliro Meeting with a single click while automatically associating it with the relevant Salesforce Account Object.

For further customization, the same approach can be applied to other Salesforce Objects as needed. 🚀

Best Practices & Tips

Keep Bliro Running

  • If the desktop app is closed, clicking a Bliro link will launch the app but not run the command.

  • Make sure to run Bliro in the background if you rely on remote triggers.

Verify Parameter Names

  • Only system, record, and recordId are used to set Call.Meta.source.

  • Other parameters (like param=wrong) will be ignored.

Test on Different OS & Speeds

  • Timing may vary on different hardware.

  • If you have slow systems or older hardware, test thoroughly to ensure consistent performance.

Handle Missing Calls Gracefully

  • If there’s no active call to end, end-call simply does nothing.

  • Make sure your external apps handle these scenarios smoothly.

Ready to Integrate?

You can now add Bliro links to any button or workflow in your CRM or communication tool. Whether you want to start or end calls remotely, the Bliro App Protocol Handler makes it easy to embed call actions anywhere you need them.

Questions or issues?

Send us a message via Bliro Support, and we’ll be happy to help!

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