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Edit Transcripts, Highlights and Summaries
Edit Transcripts, Highlights and Summaries

How to edit Transcripts, Highlights and Summaries on bliro's Plattform.

Maurice Schweitzer avatar
Written by Maurice Schweitzer
Updated over a week ago

No AI (nor human) is perfect. Also, an AI can make mistakes. Therefore we made it easy to correct these mistakes and to extend your AI meeting notes with your own points.

After you save your AI meeting notes in bliro, just navigate to your bliro platform ( There you'll find your meeting.

Edit the transcript

If you want to delete full parts of the transcript, just click on the small cross in the upper right corner and click once more to confirm.

If you just want to delete parts of your transcripts, you do so by just highlighting the respective part and hitting backspace on your keyboard. Every change is saved automatically in the background.

This feature unfolds its full strength, when you edit the transcript and regenerate the AI Summary for your highlights and the whole meeting. Find out how that works here.

Edit the AI Summary

The workflow to edit the AI Summary is very similar. Just highlight and delete parts that you don't want in your AI Summary.

And just start typing to extend the AI Summary.

Again. All changes are saved automatically for you.

Edit the Highlights

The process is the same for highlights. Just highlight and hit backspace to delete parts and start typing to extend. Additionally you can edit the Highlight Topic and Highlight Title.

Therefore you can easily go from this:

to this:

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