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Enhance Bliro's AI Notes with AI Note Templates
Enhance Bliro's AI Notes with AI Note Templates

Learn how to set up templates via bliro's plattform

Maurice Schweitzer avatar
Written by Maurice Schweitzer
Updated over a week ago

Every meeting is unique. Even participants in the same meeting might be interested in different takeaways and insights. To create personalized and well-crafted AI notes that meet your specific needs, you can make use of bliro's AI Note Templates.

You can use AI Note Templates to automatically extract action items, summarize the mood of the meeting, assess its efficiency and relevance, and much more. You can really get creative!

This article provides a step-by-step guide on setting up your AI note templates.

To create a template just open the template settings on your Bliro plattform.

Template Set-Up

Each Template consists of different sections. In turn each section consists of (1) a title, (2) a prompt and a (3) return type.

This is the Executive Summary Section of the "Short Notes with Action Items" template which you can already find your account. It will add a section to your summary with the title Executive Summary and with a full text note answering the prompt.

Various sections together make up the template. You can mix all different return types in your templates.

This is the Customer Call Template as you can also find it in the Template Marketplace. It summarises the meeting in bullet points according to the sections you can see in this screenshot. From the customer's "Problem and Key Objectives" to the "Next Steps"

Return Types

Out of the box Bliro offers five different return types:

  1. Full Text: Bliro will answer the prompt in written text in full sentences.

  2. Bullet Points: Bliro will answer the prompt in bullet points. You can adjust the length and level of detail of these bullet points via the prompt (e.g. "..write very detailed formulated bullet points in full sentences")

  3. Pick List: You can define a list of items and Bliro will pick from these items. Imagine you have a customer meeting and want to document which products were presented to the customer. Add the respective products to the picklist and Bliro will choose based on your prompt.

  4. Number: Bliro will just return a number. Imagine you always need to document the number of licenses a customer wants to purchase as a number. Bliro will extract this number.

  5. Checkbox: Bliro will return a "True" or "False" value. Imagine you want to track whether your sales teams diligently defines next steps in their meetings. Choose checkbox as a return type and create a prompt that tracks whether next steps were defined in the meeting.

Template Marketplace

A good place is to get started with templates is bliro's Template Marketplace. Here you can find many predefined templates for different meeting types. You can easily add them to your account and start testing and editing them.

You can find the following templates in the marketplace:

🏒 Best Practice Meeting Notes: This is what Meeting Notes should look like. Extract the decisions, problems, questions, and next steps from your meetings.

✏️ Short Notes with Action Items: A short executive summary and action items.

πŸ”Ž Detailed Notes with Action Items: A detailed, chronological summary and action items.

β˜€οΈ Daily Stand-Up: Extract achievements, blockers, and tasks from your Daily Stand-Up Meetings.

πŸŽ™οΈ Customer Call: This template is for sellers and other customer-facing professionals. Extract the customer's business goals, problems, and questions. Summarise the next steps. This template also serves as a good starting point for your own custom templates for customer calls.

🍏 Quarterly Business Review: For Customer Success Managers and similar roles. Extract Customer Objectives, Challenges, Feedback, and Expansion Opportunities from your regular Check-Ins with customers.

πŸ§‘ Recruiting Interview: Detailed notes for a recruiting interview concerning the applicant's skills and background.

😊 1 on 1 Meeting: Business and Personal Notes for a 1 on 1 meeting between colleagues.

❓User Feedback Session: For Product Managers and UX Researchers. Extract User Pain Points, Feature Requests, and more from a meeting with users of your product.

πŸ” Start-Up Qualification Call: Template for VC Investors and their first meeting with a Start-Up.

πŸ“ƒ Insurance Consulting: For insurance brokers who need to document their customer meetings. Extract the customer's needs, which insurance products were discussed and decisions taken.

Create custom templates

Of course you can also define your own templates entirely from scratch. Click "+ Create New Template" in your template settings to create a new template.

You will enter a screen to create and edit your templates.

Give the template a title and add sections to this template. You can reuse sections that are currently being used in other template or create sections fully from scratch. The AI Summary will be created based on these sections.

Have fun with templates! This is a unique way to customise Bliro entirely to your needs. You can always reach out to us via the "πŸ›Ÿ Help" function in Bliro.

The next article will walk you through how to test and use your AI Note templates for your meetings.

With Templates bliro can be finetuned to various use cases: It can extract structured data from your meetings and push it to single fields in internal tools such as the CRM system. You can use templates to coach your sales team using AI. There are no limits πŸš€

Our dedicated solution engineers are eager to support you with this. Feel free to reach out and book a demo.

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